Times shown are real times, allowing for BST when in force
X Small XX Medium XXX Fairly Large XXXX Large XXXXX Very Large
Remember the golden rule when viewing the bore, be there early!
Times above are only approximate, be there 20 minutes before the bore is due.
The Best Viewing Areas:
Minsterworth: 4 miles from Gloucester along the A48
Stonebench: 3 miles from Gloucester. Along the B4008, turn right into Elmore
Lane, cross the ship canal and the River Severn is ahead of you. Be warned,
this area can get very congested and after the bore has passed the river level
rises rapidly and can pour over onto the road, endangering you and your car.
Over Bridge: 1 mile out of Gloucester along the A40.
Severn Bore
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
January |
22 January 2023 |
Sunday |
08.09 |
08.24 |
08.44 |
X |
20.37 |
20.52 |
21.12 |
X |
23 January 2023 |
Monday |
08.57 |
09.12 |
09.32 |
XX |
21.24 |
21.39 |
21.59 |
XX |
24 January 2023 |
Tuesday |
09.42 |
09.57 |
10.17 |
XX |
22.08 |
22.23 |
22.43 |
XX |
25 January 2023 |
Wednesday |
10.25 |
10.4 |
11.00 |
XX |
22.48 |
23.03 |
23.23 |
X |
26 January 2023 |
Thursday |
11.06 |
11.21 |
11.41 |
X |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
February |
20 February 2023 |
Monday |
07.59 |
08.14 |
08.34 |
X |
20.26 |
20.41 |
21.01 |
XX |
21 February 2023 |
Tuesday |
08.45 |
09.00 |
09.20 |
21.09 |
21.24 |
21.44 |
22 February 2023 |
Wednesday |
09.28 |
09.43 |
10.03 |
21.5 |
22.05 |
22.25 |
23 February 2023 |
Thursday |
10.07 |
10.22 |
10.42 |
22.26 |
22.41 |
23.01 |
XX |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
March |
21 March 2023 |
Tuesday |
07.44 |
07.59 |
08.19 |
XX |
20.08 |
20.23 |
20.43 |
XX |
22 March 2023 |
Wednesday |
08.26 |
08.41 |
09.01 |
20.48 |
21.03 |
21.23 |
23 March 2023 |
Thursday |
09.06 |
09.21 |
09.41 |
21.26 |
21.41 |
22.01 |
24 March 2023 |
Friday |
09.42 |
09.57 |
10.17 |
21.59 |
22.14 |
22.34 |
XX |
25 March 2023 |
Saturday |
10.15 |
10.30 |
10.50 |
X |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
April |
19 April 2023 |
Wednesday |
08.21 |
08.36 |
08.56 |
X |
20.43 |
20.58 |
21.18 |
XX |
20 April 2023 |
Thursday |
09.01 |
09.16 |
09.36 |
XX |
21.22 |
21.37 |
21.57 |
XX |
21 April 2023 |
Friday |
09.41 |
09.56 |
10.16 |
XX |
21.58 |
22.13 |
22.33 |
XX |
22 April 2023 |
Saturday |
10.16 |
10.31 |
10.51 |
X |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
May |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
June |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
July |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
August |
02 August 2023 |
Wednesday |
21.34 |
21.49 |
22.09 |
X |
03 August 2023 |
Thursday |
10.02 |
10.17 |
10.37 |
X |
22.21 |
22.36 |
22.56 |
XX |
04 August 2023 |
Friday |
10.47 |
11.02 |
11.22 |
XX |
23.04 |
23.19 |
23.39 |
XX |
05 August 2023 |
Saturday |
11.29 |
11.44 |
12.04 |
X |
23.45 |
00.00 |
00.20 |
XX |
30 August 2023 |
Wednesday |
20.35 |
20.5 |
21.1 |
X |
31 August 2023 |
Thursday |
09.00 |
09.15 |
09.35 |
X |
21.21 |
21.36 |
21.56 |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
September |
01 September 2023 |
Friday |
09.45 |
10.00 |
10.20 |
XX |
22.04 |
22.19 |
22.39 |
02 September 2023 |
Saturday |
10.27 |
10.42 |
11.02 |
22.44 |
22.59 |
23.19 |
03 September 2023 |
Sunday |
11.05 |
11.20 |
11.40 |
XX |
23.22 |
23.37 |
23.57 |
04 September 2023 |
Monday |
11.40 |
11.55 |
12.15 |
X |
28 September 2023 |
Thursday |
20.17 |
20.32 |
20.52 |
XX |
29 September 2023 |
Friday |
08.41 |
08.56 |
09.16 |
XX |
21.00 |
21.15 |
21.36 |
30 September 2023 |
Saturday |
09.22 |
09.37 |
09.57 |
21.42 |
21.57 |
22.17 |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
October |
01 October 2023 |
Sunday |
10.02 |
10.17 |
10.37 |
22.2 |
22.35 |
22.55 |
02 October 2023 |
Monday |
10.37 |
10.52 |
11.12 |
XX |
22.55 |
23.10 |
23.30 |
XX |
27 October 2023 |
Friday |
19.53 |
20.08 |
20.28 |
X |
28 October 2023 |
Saturday |
08.16 |
08.31 |
08.51 |
XX |
20.36 |
20.51 |
21.11 |
29 October 2023 |
Sunday |
07.57 |
08.12 |
08.32 |
20.17 |
20.32 |
20.52 |
30 October 2023 |
Monday |
08.35 |
08.50 |
09.10 |
XX |
20.55 |
21.10 |
21.30 |
XX |
31 October 2023 |
Tuesday |
09.10 |
09.25 |
09.45 |
X |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
November |
Month |
Date |
Day |
Minsterworth |
Stonebench |
Over Bridge |
Prospect |
December |
Several factors determine how good the bore will be.
Amongst them are the right weather conditions.
A good bore requires a low barometer and a strong SW wind.
To see the current weather at Gloucester click on:
The latest weather readings for Gloucester